30 December 2010

New Year

Shillong Peak, Shillong, Meghalaya, India

I've always liked New Year's eve and day. This photo is labeled 1965 so it was the end of the second year New Year I spent in India. I already had my friendships well established.

We always stayed up until midnight as kids, with the coal stove on, playing carrom and crokinole. There was a "midnight feast" and token gift exchange.

I am one of eight so there were enough of us to put on little plays and performances that always involved my sister Shirley doing her infamous Beggar Woman dance for tips. Gotta support the arts!


Anonymous said...

New Year for me is around taking stock, and ever has been. Parties aplenty I have attended ( and usually felt disconnected and an alien. ) For me the quiet seeing in of new possibilities. Your posts remembering stir up for me memories of my years in the Subcontinent. BTW you haven't changed one single bit!! Happy New Year, my friend.

Laura said...

What a great photo! It sounds like you have some wonderful memories of New Years!-which makes me feel badly that MY kids New Years Eve memories will be of eating too much at Mandarin and then their Mom getting tanked on cheap hooch. ;p
Ah well... there's got to be other kids out there with those kinds of memories too... right?

All the best for the upcoming year! I am SO happy to have "met" you this year and had a lot of fun reading your blog. :)
Happy New Year!


Antjas said...

Crokinole - haven't thought about that in a million years! Terrific photo. Happy New Years.

Charlestonjoan said...

maggsworld - Happy New Year to you. It's been a pleasure getting to know you a bit this year.

Laura - I am sure your kids have happy memories! Happy New Year to you!

Antjas - Gasp! I thought all Canadians played crokinole all the time. Happy New Year to you!

Commander Zaius said...

I like the look on the face of little boy, sort of says to me "here comes trouble."

Charlestonjoan said...

beachbum - He was cool. He lived next door.

Priya Kumari said...

Great post.